Blog 1 My departure

Labas visiems, (Hello everybody)

My last week in the Netherlands is almost over, and to be honest I don’t realize it yet. Meanwhile I feel the people surrounding me definitely are realizing it. I will be gone for  a whole year and I will not come back to the Netherlands during that year. To be in a country were I know almost nothing about. But what I do know is that I am really excited about it, a new culture, new people, a lot of basketball etc. But before everything starts I had to do some difficult things this week….

One thing is packing of my luggage. I thought 20 kilogram and 8 kilo extra hand luggage, ohh that’s a lot. But it was not what it looked like, because with only sport clothes and basketball shoes it already was about 15 kilogram. So I searched for a new technic, making piles of clothes which I wouldn’t  take, a pile which I wasn’t sure about yet and a pile which I definitely should take with me. The problem as that the pile that I definitely should take became really high too fast. But yeah what do you take with you for a year in Lithuania. Finally I decided to buy an extra bag, so 2 days before I have to leave everything fitted in my bags.

I am ready for it to fly Friday forth coming at 10:20 to leave the Netherlands from Schiphol!

Greetings Lotte


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